Pull Request API Documentation
1. Get the List of Pull Requests
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
state | Pull Request state: all、open、closed、locked、merged,default:all | query | string |
base | base branch | query | string |
since | Since update time in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2024-11-20T13:00:21+08:00 | quey | string |
direction | Ascending/Descending order, default:desc 【asc or desc】 | query | string |
sort | Sorting Fields: created、updated, default:created | query | string |
milestone_number | milestone number | quey | int |
labels | Comma-separated list of label names. | quey | string |
page | Current Page Number,default:1, default:1 | query | int |
per_page | Items Per Page, Maximum 100,default:20,default:20 | query | int |
author | Optional. Username of the PR creator | query | string |
assignee | Optional. Username of the PR assignee | query | string |
reviewer | Optional. Username of the PR reviewer | query | string |
merged_after | Return merge requests merged after the specified time in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2024-11-20T13:00:21+08:00 | query | string |
merged_before | Return merge requests merged before the specified time in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2024-11-20T13:00:21+08:00 | query | string |
only_count | If true, only return the count of merge requests. Default: false | query | boolean |
created_after | Return merge requests created after the specified time in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2024-11-20T13:00:21+08:00 | query | string |
created_before | Return merge requests created before the specified time in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2024-11-20T13:00:21+08:00 | query | string |
updated_before | Return merge requests updated before the specified time in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2024-11-20T13:00:21+08:00 | query | string |
updated_after | Return merge requests updated after the specified time in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 2024-11-20T13:00:21+08:00 | query | string |
Note: The ISO 8601 time in the query parameter needs to be URL-encoded. For example, 2024-11-20T13:00:21+08:00 should be URL-encoded as 2024-11-20T13%3A00%3A21%2B08%3A00.
only_count model(only_count: True)
"all": 1,
"opened": 1,
"closed": 0,
"merged": 0,
"locked": 0
Note: The state parameter is not effective in only_count mode.
None only_count model (only_count: None or False)
"number": 63,
"html_url": "https://test.gitcode.net/One/One/merge_requests/63",
"close_related_issue": null,
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"url": "https://api.gitcode.net/api/v5/repos/One/One/pulls/63",
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"updated_at": "2024-04-15T18:33:01+08:00",
"url": "https://test.gitcode.net/xiaogang_test/test222/milestones/2"
curl --location 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/xiaogang_test/test222/pulls?access_token=xxxx' \
2. Merge a Pull Request
PUT https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/merge
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
merge_method | 可选。合并PR的方法,merge(合并所有提交)、squash(扁平化分支合并)和rebase(变基并合并)。默认为merge。 | body | string |
"sha": "c20ac9624d2811a9313af29769dcf581b60c3044",
"merged": true,
"message": "Pull Request 已成功合并"
curl --location -g --request PUT 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/xiaogang_test/test222/pulls/15/merge?access_token=xxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"merge_method": "merge"
3. Get Issues Associated with a Pull Request
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/issues
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
page | Current Page Number,default:1 | query | int |
per_page | Items Per Page, Maximum 100,default:20 | query | int |
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"title": "[bug] test",
"state": "open",
"title": "进行稳定性测试",
"url": "https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/sytest/paopao/issues/1",
"body": "发生什么问题了?",
"user": {
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"labels": [
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"id": 381445,
"title": "help wanted",
"type": null,
"textColor": "#FFFFFF"
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4. Submit a Pull Request Comment
POST https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/comments
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
body* | Comment Content | body | string |
path | Relative Path of the File | body | string |
position | Relative Line Number in the Diff | body | int |
need_to_resolve | Whether it needs to be resolved (true: review comments need to be resolved, false: review comments do not need to be resolved, default is false) | body | boolean |
"id": "97219c08d421e55cfa841deca16a30f5d7269e10",
"body": "22222"
curl --location -g --request PUT 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/xiaogang_test/test222/pulls/15/comments?access_token=xxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"body": "body"
5. List Files in a Pull Request Commit
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/files
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
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"patch": {
"diff": "@@ -13,4 +13,6 @@ demo\n \r\n > covid_19 一个模拟感染人群爆发的小动画\r\n \r\n-> leetcode 算法解答\n\\ No newline at end of file\n+> leetcode 算法解答\r\n+\r\n+> juc包测试\n\\ No newline at end of file\n",
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"patch": {
"diff": "@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ public class VolatileDemo {\n System.out.println(\"service end\");\n }\n \n+ /**\n+ * 测试方法入口\n+ */\n public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {\n VolatileDemo v = new VolatileDemo();\n new Thread(v::service, \"thread-1\").start();\n",
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"old_path": "src/main/java/com/zhzh/sc/demo/juc/lock/VolatileDemo.java",
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6. Get All Comments for a Specific Pull Request
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/comments
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
page | Current Page Number,default:1 | query | int |
per_page | Items Per Page, Maximum 100,default:20 | query | int |
direction | asc/desc | query | int |
comment_type | diff_comment/pr_comment | query | string |
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"created_at": "2024-04-19T07:48:59.755+00:00",
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"avatar_url": "https://gitcode-img.obs.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com:443/cb/da/6cb18d9ae9f1a94b4f640d3b848351c352c7869f33d0cb68e7acad4f224c4e23.png",
"html_url": "https://test.gitcode.net/Lzm_0916"
curl --location 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/xiaogang_test/test222/pulls/15/comments?access_token=xxxx' \
7. Create a Pull Request
POST https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
title* | title | body | string |
head* | head, eg:branch,fork pr:username:branch | body | string |
base* | base | body | string |
body | pr description | body | string |
milestone_number | milestone number | body | int |
labels | Comma-separated list of label names. | body | string |
issue | The title and content of the Pull Request can be automatically filled based on the specified Issue ID. | body | string |
assignees | Optional. Approvals’ usernames, multiple can be specified, separated by commas (e.g., username1,username2). Note: This option is invalid if the repository’s code review settings already have designated approvals. | body | string |
testers | Optional. Testers’ usernames, multiple can be specified, separated by commas (e.g., username1,username2). Note: This option is invalid if the repository’s code review settings already have designated testers. | body | string |
prune_source_branch | Whether to delete the source branch after merging the PR. Default: false (do not delete) | body | boolean |
draft | wip pr,default: false | body | boolean |
squash | squash, default: false | body | boolean |
squash_commit_message | squash message | body | string |
fork_path | fork repo path (owner/repo) | body | string |
"id": 11264998,
"url": "https://gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/zzero/demo/pulls/6",
"html_url": "https://gitcode.com/zzero/demo/pulls/6",
"diff_url": "https://gitcode.com/zzero/demo/pulls/6.diff",
"patch_url": "https://gitcode.com/zzero/demo/pulls/6.patch",
"issue_url": "https://gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/zzero/demo/pulls/6/issues",
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curl --location 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/xiaogang_test/test222/pulls/15/operate_logs?access_token=xxxx'
16. Get All Labels of a Pull Request
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/labels
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
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curl --location 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/xiaogang_test/test222/pulls/15/labels?access_token=xxxx'
17. Reset the Pull Request Test Status
PATCH https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/testers
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
reset_all | 是否重置所有测试人,默认:false,只对管理员生效 | body | boolean |
HTTP status 204 No Content
curl --location --request PATCH 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/xiaogang_test/test222/pulls/15/testers?access_token=xxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
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18. Reset the Pull Request Approval Status
PATCH https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/assignees
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
reset_all | reset all,default: false,only worked for admin | body | boolean |
HTTP status 204 No Content
curl --location --request PATCH 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/xiaogang_test/test222/pulls/15/assignees?access_token=xxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
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19. Get File Changes in a Pull Request
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/files.json
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
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20. Get File Content
GET https://raw.gitcode.com/{owner}/{repo}/raw/{head_sha}/{name}
To obtain the file changes in a specific pull request (PR), you can use the following endpoint: 《19. Get File Changes in a Pull Request》
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/files.json
Once you have retrieved the response, you can directly access the URL provided in the diffs.head.url field by copying it into your web browser.
21. Get the List of Enterprise Pull Requests
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/enterprises/{enterprise}/pull_requests
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
enterprise* | Enterprise Path(path/login) | path | string |
repo | 可选。Repository Path(path) | query | string |
state | 可选。Pull Request 状态 | query | string |
issue_number | issue全局id | query | int |
sort | 可选。Sorting Fields,Default: Sorted by Creation Time | query | string |
direction | asc/desc | query | string |
page | Current Page Number,default:1 | query | int |
per_page | Items Per Page, Maximum 100,default:20 | query | int |
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curl --location 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/enterprises/xiaogang_test/pull_requests?access_token=xxxx'
22. Get a Comment of Pull Request
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/comments/{id}
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
id* | the ID of a comment | path | string |
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curl --location --request GET 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/Hello_worldsss/IK_001_01/pulls/comments/1486664?access_token=xxxx'
23. Check if a Pull Request is Merged
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/merge
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
"message": "Pull Request已经合并"
"error": "Pull Request不存在或未合并"
curl --location -g --request GET 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/dengmengmian/oneapi/pulls/1/merge?access_token=xxx'
24. Assign a User to Approve a Pull Request
POST https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/assignees
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
assignees* | User’s personal space address, separated by commas. | body | string |
"assignees_number": 1
curl --location -g --request POST 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/dengmengmian/oneapi/pulls/2/assignees?access_token=xxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
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25. Cancel a User’s Approval on a Pull Request
DELETE https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/assignees
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
assignees* | User’s personal space address, separated by commas. | body | string |
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/dengmengmian/oneapi/pulls/2/assignees?access_token=xxxx' \
--form 'assignees="xiaogang"'
26. Edit a Comment
PATCH https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/comments/{id}
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
id* | the ID of a cmment | path | int |
body* | Comment Content | formData | string |
curl --location -g --request PATCH 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/dengmengmian/oneapi/pulls/comments/1495107?access_token=xxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"body": "Duis enim esse"
27. Delete a Comment
DELETE https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/comments/{id}
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
id* | the ID of a comment | path | int |
curl --location -g --request DELETE 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/dengmengmian/oneapi/pulls/comments/1495107?access_token=xxxx'
28. Replace All Labels on a Pull Request
PUT https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/labels
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
labels* | new labels, eg: [“feat”, “bug”] | body | array |
curl --location --request PUT 'https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/xiaogang_test/test222/pulls/1/labels?access_token=xxxx' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '[
29. Assign a User to Test a Pull Request
POST https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/repos/{owner}/{repo}/pulls/{number}/testers
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
owner* | Repository Owner Path (Organization or User Path) | path | string |
repo* | Repository Path(path) | path | string |
number* | PR number, i.e., the sequence number of the pull request in the repository. | path | int |
testers* | User’s personal space address, separated by commas. | body | string |
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30. Get the List of Organization Pull Requests
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/org/{org}/pull_requests
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access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
org* | org(path/login) | path | string |
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31. Get Pull Requests Associated with an Enterprise Issue
GET https://api.gitcode.com/api/v5/enterprises/{enterprise}/issues/{number}/pull_requests
Parameter | Description | Type | Data Type |
access_token* | personal access token | query | string |
enterprise* | org(path/login) | path | string |
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