
Custom Fields

Currently, GitCode supports four types of field types: text, number, date, and single-select.

Text Field

You can use a text field in the Kanban board for writing notes or any other free-form text. You can add a text type field in the following way:

  1. In the table view, click the "+" button in the title of the rightmost column.
  2. Select the "Add field" button.
  3. Configure the field name.
  4. Choose the type as "Text".
  5. Click the "Create" button.

Number Field

You can add a number type field in the following way:

  1. In the table view, click the "+" button in the title of the rightmost column.
  2. Select the "Add field" button.
  3. Configure the field name.
  4. Choose the type as "Number".
  5. Click the "Create" button.

Date Field

You can use a date field in the Kanban board to mark the planned completion time of tasks. You can add a date type field in the following way:

  1. In the table view, click the "+" button in the title of the rightmost column.
  2. Select the "Add field" button.
  3. Configure the field name.
  4. Choose the type as "Date".
  5. Click the "Create" button.

Single-Select Field

You can use a single-select field in the Kanban board to label the status of tasks. You can add a single-select type field in the following way:

  1. In the table view, click the "+" button in the title of the rightmost column.
  2. Select the "Add field" button.
  3. Configure the field name.
  4. Choose the type as "Single-Select".
  5. Configure the single-select options.
  6. Click the "Create" button.