
Configuration Guide

After creating an Issue, you can perform more in-depth configurations on the Issue details page. All modification operations will be recorded in the logs to ensure traceability of changes.

Assigning a Responsible Person

Through the responsible person assignment feature, you can clearly allocate tasks to team members, ensuring that each issue has a dedicated person to follow up. The responsible person will receive relevant notifications and handle the task in a timely manner.


Linking PRs

Linking an Issue with a Pull Request (PR) establishes a tracking relationship between the Issue and code changes. This not only facilitates team members in viewing problem solutions but also automatically links commit records, forming a complete development chain.


Linking Branches

Linking an Issue to a specific development branch clearly shows the location of code changes related to the Issue. This helps the team conduct code reviews and merge management, ensuring transparency and controllability in the development process.


Other Configurations

You can also make the following settings:

  • Issue Visibility: Setting it to private will prevent the Issue from being displayed to users outside the project members, protecting sensitive information.
  • Locking Issues: After locking, non-project members will not be able to participate in Issue discussions, avoiding irrelevant disturbances.
  • Pinning Issues: After pinning, the Issue will be displayed at the top of the Issue list, ensuring important issues are handled first.

By reasonably configuring Issues, you can effectively improve team collaboration efficiency, ensuring that each issue is handled and tracked in a timely manner. Whether it's task allocation, code change tracking, or permission management, these features can help you better manage project progress.