
Commit Settings

Commit settings provide strict management options for code commit behavior, helping development teams maintain the standardization of commit records and the security of the code.

Overview of Settings

Commit message validationValidate commit message content through regular expressions to ensure that commit records conform to agreed formats.
File size limit for commitsLimit the size of files in a single commit to avoid performance issues in the code repository caused by excessively large files.
Only allow signed commits with verificationRequire commits to be accompanied by verified signatures to ensure the trustworthiness and compliance with security standards of the commit source.
Project administrators exempt from rulesAllow project administrators to bypass commit restriction rules under special circumstances, enhancing management flexibility.
Disallow force pushingDisable force pushing to branches to prevent data loss or collaboration issues caused by overwriting commit history.


By flexibly applying commit settings, you can enhance the standardization and security of your team's code management.