
Repository Settings

Repository settings provide a series of options to help users manage and configure code repositories with finer granularity. These features ensure the security, collaboration, and controllability of the code.

Overview of Settings

Disable Developer Role from Creating BranchesRestrict developer role permissions to prevent unauthorized branch creation.
Disable Developer Role from Creating TagsRestrict developer role permissions for tagging to prevent invalid or misleading tags.
Pre-merge Checks for Merge Requests (PR)Provide pre-merge check functionality to ensure strict verification before code is merged.
Enable GPG Signature VerificationVerify submitted GPG signatures to ensure the credibility of the code source.
Branch Naming RulesDefine naming conventions for branches to ensure uniform and easy management of branch names.
Tag Naming RulesDefine naming conventions for tags to ensure clear and consistent version markers.
Enable Custom LFS RepositoriesAllow the use of custom large file storage repositories (LFS) to optimize the management and storage efficiency of large files.
Enable Downloading LFS FilesEnable support for downloading LFS files to facilitate developers in obtaining necessary resources.
Repository CleanupProvide repository cleanup tools to help delete redundant data or historical records, optimizing repository space.


Ensure that the code repository meets project requirements and maintains its optimal state.