Project Setup
📄️ Project Basic Settings
You can perform basic settings for the project and advanced operations such as transferring the project, archiving the project, and deleting the project in "Basic Settings."
📄️ Repository Settings
Repository settings provide a series of options to help users manage and configure code repositories with finer granularity. These features ensure the security, collaboration, and controllability of the code.
📄️ Commit Settings
Commit settings provide strict management options for code commit behavior, helping development teams maintain the standardization of commit records and the security of the code.
📄️ PR Settings
Pull Requests (PRs) are an essential tool for collaborative development, and GitCode offers various PR settings options to help you customize the code review and merge process. The following content will guide you through these settings and their functions.
📄️ Repository Mirroring
Repository mirroring management functions are used to configure and manage repository mirrors, configuring repository mirrors can achieve automatic synchronization of branches, tags, and commit information between different platforms.