
Project Setup

In the organization settings, administrators can comprehensively manage important project-related configurations, including organization labels (Labels), contributor agreements (CLA), and webhook settings.

  • By customizing organization labels, users can efficiently categorize and manage project content.
  • Setting up CLA rules ensures contributors agree to relevant agreements before submitting code, protecting the legality of the project.
  • The webhook feature allows for integration with external services, enabling real-time receipt of project updates and notifications. This page provides users with necessary tools to optimize project management and promote collaboration.

Default Settings

  • You can set default configurations for projects within the organization, including pull request settings, issue/PR association settings, enabling custom LFS storage sources, and defining the scope of @ mentions allowed for issues and PRs within the organization.

Organization Labels

Organization Labels are a tool that helps teams categorize and manage tasks.

  1. Categorization and Tagging: You can add labels to issues and pull requests in the organization, such as "Bug", "Feature", or "High Priority", to clarify the nature or priority of the tasks.
  2. Custom Labels: You can create labels based on your team's needs rather than being limited to system-default labels.
  • Click “New Organization Label”, enter the label name and description, then click save to successfully create a new label.

  • Clicking the “...” on the corresponding label row allows you to edit or delete this label.

With organization labels, you can categorize and tag issues and pull requests within the organization. Custom labels help teams better organize, filter, and identify specific types of work and content.

Contributor Agreement (CLA)

The contributor agreement (CLA) is a legal agreement between the organization and contributors that clarifies the rights and usage permissions of code or content submitted by contributors. By signing the CLA, contributors confirm that their contributions are original and grant the organization the right to use, modify, and distribute their contributions, thereby protecting the organization from intellectual property disputes.

  • In the project settings, click “Contributor Agreement (CLA)” to manage and configure the contributor agreements within the organization.
  • Click “New CLA Agreement” in the top-right corner, fill in the relevant information about the agreement, and then click “Save” to activate and enable the current CLA agreement.


The contributor agreement (CLA) allows the system to check if external developers have signed the CLA when submitting change requests to the organization’s codebase. If signed, the "CLA-bot" will update the signature information in the change request comments; if not signed, the "CLA-bot" will guide external contributors to view and sign the contributor agreement.